Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Favorite Sights Thus Far

While there are many cool things to see and do in Korea, my favorite sights are by far all the cool signs, products, and just different things we run into on a daily basis. Click the link on the right titled signs and products to see what I'm talking about. I'll be adding to that on a regular basis.

This awning is my latest favorite. I think it is a bar, which makes sense. The more you drink, the more fucking lovely you make yourself.


the frau said...

These photos are fabulous. Keep 'em coming!

Kev S said...

That is by far the coolest name for a bar ever. I will certainly try...

Kev S said...

Oh by the way, I love that the stand that sells "Tacos and Toast" calls it "White Food". I'm glad my people could contribute something to the Seoul culinary scene. Although I'm pretty sure we ripped off tacos from another culture...